My name is Yongmin Ji, and ruucm is my preferred nickname. I've used this nickname since 2010~. And you can pronounce it as "ro͝om."
I like screens and pixels. I love how people can react and explore these worlds with their eyes and hands and ears, sharing them with others.
My story starts from making a simple android socket during the army services. It directly inspires me and gives me a sight of the internet world. I studied programming start from there.
After the army services, I worked as a freelancer with designers as a wordpress developer. I enjoyed building pixel-perfect HTML & CSS works and making a productive way in terms of maintenance homepage. I created several wordpress plugins to make web pages and functionalities easily.

Then I met Framer. It broads my view of a lot of web worlds and designs. I made Harbor School and started to solve the pains of designers when they work with developers. So I've been teaching codes to designers in Harbor School, and sometimes I made a tool for them.
I built Lighthouse Design System in this period. With the system, I can integrate the whole design and develop working processes seamlessly from the single truth of sources.
I deeply understand each position of designer and engineer and have a passion for reducing the gap between resulting better products.
I believe screens are everywhere and have more importance in our lives. So careful thoughts and toolings for the creators of the screens are essential, like making neat controllers for spaceship pilots to Mars.